The Spectators Book Launch


Hello friends!

If you happen to find yourselves in Paris this weekend then you’re in for a treat.  The wonderful Victor Hussenotis celebrating the release of his latest graphic novel The Spectators at Galerie Sergeant Paper, and you’re invited! Be sure to stop by the gallery on Saturday, March 14th at 3pm where there will be a one of a kind exhibition of original art from The Spectators. For those of you that make it on the day, you’ll have the chance to get your hands on an exclusive limited edition screen-print created for the show, AND (this is the big one) get to see Monsieur Hussenot himself give a graphic narrative performance!

If you can’t make it this weekend then fear not! On the following Saturday, March 21st, Galerie Sergeant Paper will be hosting a book signing session.

So there you go, plenty of The Spectators-related happenings around The City of Light.  For more information, don’t forget to check out Galerie Sergeant Paper’s blog.  It’s going to be a lot of fun, so make sure you stop by!

March 14th & March 21st, 3pm – Galerie Sergeant Paper, 38 rue Quincampoix 75004 Paris