The Kellie Strom process

I simply couldn’t resist the temptation to alert you all to the amazing process of Kellie Strøm’s colour separation technique. For some time now I’ve been dropping into his blog every once in a while to check up on how he’s getting on with an impending concertina book we’ve commissioned from him entitled Worse Things Happen at Sea and his visual documentation of the process is nothing short of glorious, as you can see by these examples. Strøm works in a manner akin to early chromolithographers, creating intricate colour separations which overprint to give the illusion of many more colours than are actually put to use in the printing method. Variants of this process are used throughout Nobrow books, the difference here is that unlike with many of our projects which make use of digital processes to achieve this effect, Kellie (like fellow Nobrow artist Atak) produces these separations entirely by hand! To see more of the process of both the drawing and colour separation of this project, follow Kellie here. (more images below…)