Say Hello to Einstein!


Welcome to another dimension… where time and space are intricately woven…

100 years after Albert Einstein first published his general theory of relativity in the German periodical, ‘Annals of Physics’ in March 1916, Nobrow is publishing a playful graphic biography of the great man’s life and ideas. Due to his immense curiosity as much as to his intellect, Einstein came up with a truly revolutionary hypothesis that has remained unchallenged to this day (despite numerous attempts to disprove it!). His theory completely changed the way we think about space-time, as it revealed that time runs more slowly near a strong source of gravity. Without these principles, we could never have invented GPS devices – something that most people now use every day.

Einstein is the third in Corinne Maier and Anne Simon’s collection of graphic novels exploring the lives of the most controversial and outspoken figures in modern history. In Maier and Simon’s inimitable style, this biography provides a beautiful and witty introduction to Einstein’s background, life, and legacy; full of intricate details and amusing insights. The combination of noted psychoanalyst (Maier) and gifted illustrator (Simon) is clearly a winning one – just take a look at these fantastic reviews!

Praise for Freud:

“This unusual illustrated biography takes us through Freud’s life and legacy with equal parts scientific-historical rigor, sociocultural insight, and disarming wit, both visual and narrative.” – Brain Pickings

“The book strikes a fine balance between informative storytelling, charming imagery and witty dialogue.” – It’s Nice That

Praise for Marx:

“Simon’s whimsical and vivid art is delightful.” – Publisher’s Weekly

“The cheerful and even flirtatious drawings are a perfect match for this breezy but intriguing introduction to these great thinkers… [Simon’s] skill at layering a comic page with mischievous constructions is unparalleled and is never detrimental to its reading… Simon and Maier have produced an easy accessible biography series in Freud and Marx that is equally informative and playful. I can only hope that there are more books in the works for this series.” – Broken Frontier