Nobrow’s ELCAF 2015 Signing Schedule!


Hello everyone!

Are you ready for ELCAF?? Well don’t go rushing off just yet – we’ve got some very cool people stopping by who would love to meet you! That’s right, we’ve got signings from some great Nobrow and Flying Eye artists, and we think you should stop by and hang out!

It starts on Saturday, with Victor Hussenot at 11am at the Nobrow stand in The Laundry, where he’ll be signing copies of his beautiful and ambitious new book The Spectators.

Then make sure to get back to the Nobrow stand at 2:30pm, where Andy Poyiadgi (Lost Property), Joe Sparrow (The Hunter), and Will Exley (Golemchik) will be hanging out and signing their brand new 17x23s.

Also, if you’re catching Sam Bosma’s talk at SPACE, make sure to stick around at SPACE where you can meet the man himself right after his talk. He’ll be signing your copies of Fantasy Sports at 4pm. Don’t miss it!

But wait! That’s only on Saturday! Sunday’s practically overflowing with signings and appearances, all at the Nobrow stand:

The fabulous Emily Hughes will be kicking off the Sunday festivities at the Nobrow stand in The Laundry. She’ll be in at 11am, ready to sign your copies of Wild as well as her latest book, the touching The Little Gardener.

Andrew Rae, author of the rockin’ Moonhead and the Music Machine will be signing books and banging his head at 1pm, then the always amazing Luke Pearson, creator of the beloved Hilda series will be coming in at 2pm to sign your books and maybe drop some hints about what’s next for Hilda?

Then at 3pm we’ll share some laughs with the very fun and very funny author of Adventures of a Japanese Businessman and the upcoming Pablo & Jane and the Hot Air Contraption José Domingo!

All around cool guy Ricardo Cavolo will be closing out this full day of signings at 4pm to meet you and personalize your copy of 101 Artists To Listen To Before You Die. Finally one of the coolest Nobrow books is made even cooler! Be sure to thank Ricardo for making you the envy of all your friends and rivals.

It’s going to be a great weekend at ELCAF, packed wall to wall with a lot of fun and excitement, and of course, loads of great comics! Here’s that schedule again, don’t forget!:

11am Victor Hussenot – The Spectators (at the Nobrow stand)
2.30pm Andy Poyiadgi, Joe Sparrow and Will Exley signing their 17x23s, Lost Property, The Hunter and Golemchik (at the Nobrow stand)
4pm Sam Bosma – Fantasy Sports (SPACE)

11am Emily Hughes – The Little Gardener and Wild (Nobrow stand)
1pm Andrew Rae – Moonhead (Nobrow stand)
2pm Luke Pearson – Hilda series (Nobrow stand)
3pm Jose Domingo – Pablo and Jane’s and the Hot Air Contraption (Nobrow stand)
4pm Ricardo – 101 Artists to Listen to Before You Die (Nobrow stand)