Nobrow at Colomiers


We’re back at Colomiers Festival de BD in France this weekend with a hoard of books for you to pore over and delight in. Last year the festival organisers invited Jon McNaught and Robert Hunter to create a bespoke exhibition to accompany the stand, this year Jon has not only been asked to create the festival poster but has also been invited to display blown up pieces of his work on billboards around the city. Billboards with a  neon backdrop beaming out images of sleepy british towns, which also feature beaming neon billboards, but of the next best shampoo to hit the high streets. The mind reels!

And nestled within this mêlée of fluorescent billboard lovin’ will be the festival itself where we’re setting up shop with the one and only Nicolas André. Nicolas André, master of colour and print, technician of form and space. Nicolas André who will be jetting down from Belgium from his exhibition titled the Heresy of the Muse (L’hérésie de l’égérie). Nicolas André, creator of Beyond the Surface. Nicolas André who we are quite clearly enamoured with… See you there, folks.