ELCAF 2014


ELCAF 2014 is just over a week away and the excitement for this year’s line-up is beginning to rear its grinning and zealous head. There are talks to attend, workshops to muck in with, prints to melt over and dozens of books, glorious, printed, sweet smelling books. A Saturday better spent you will not find. No, really. It’s going to be the Saturday of all Saturdays. If you don’t share our enthusiasm now, you most certainly will once you feast your eyes on the rows of stalls, perfectly aligned, each with their wares piled neatly ontop of crisp ironed tablecloths, manned by kindly men and women (experts in their craft!) each willing to impart little drops of wisdom just for you. Bliss.

Back to business, however. Over the course of the day Nobrow’s artists are coming to the stand to sign copies of your favourite Nobrow books. Not only that, but we’ll be debuting some long-awaited new titles, including; Moonhead and the Music Machine by Andrew Rae, Beyond the Surface by Nicholas André, Mr Tweed’s Good Deeds by Jim Stoten and Fish by Bianca Bagnarelli (due out August).

So, here’s the schedule. Be there or be… that guy who missed out.
Jim Stoten: 11.00 – 11.30
Luke Pearson: 11.45 – 12.45
Kellie Strom: 13.00 – 13.30
Jesse Moynihan: 13.45 –14.30
Kyle Platts: 14.45 – 15.15
Anne Simon: 15.30 – 16.00
Andrew Rae: 16.15 – 16.45
Nicolas André: 17.00 – 17.30
Bianca Bagnarelli: 17.45 – 18.15
