
New York, NY – Nobrow is proud to announce that Jeremy Sorese’s graphic novel debut Curveball is a finalist for the Lambda Literary Award for Best LGBT Graphic Novel!

“The Lambda Literary Awards were founded in 1989 to elevate the profile of LGBT literature,” said Lambda Literary Board President, KG MacGregor. “In so doing, we also elevate the lives of those who find themselves authentically portrayed in our stories. It is with great pride that we come together each year to celebrate the excellent works of inspiring authors who have walked in our shoes.” 

It’s a tremendous honor to be included among the finalists for this prestigious award and we are so proud of Jeremy and all the hard work he put in to create such a powerfully resonant graphic novel.  Nobrow would like to extend our congratulations to Jeremy and his fellow “Lammy” finalists! (The full list of finalists can be found here.) Jeremy had this to say about the news: “I feel very honored to be a LAMBDA Literary Finalist this year, especially among some of the best queer cartoonists (and proof of just how many amazing women are in comics) right now. It really means the world to me!”

Previous praise for Curveball:

Sorese has the moving ability to explore the sweet aching melancholy of getting over a broken love, in a hypothetical future so well pictured that it feels alive and familiar well after you put the book down.
—Julie Maroh, Blue Is the Warmest Color

Sorese’s character development and visual choices push this story into new territory. […] There’s a bit of stream of consciousness about Curveball’s construction, but that’s the best thing; it keeps you reading and moreover, looking, alive with an electricity that is just barely under control.
Library Journal

[Sorese] renders a universal melancholia with a pinpoint precision and a tangible sincerity. […] These are infinitely relatable scenes writ large.
The AV Club

Sorese masterfully immerses the reader int he story from the first moment. Incredibly human stories exist in a world full of robots and fantastic beasts.
LAMBDA Literary

Check out more Curveball reviews on Goodreads!