Mitra Teymoorian was born in Tehran in 1968. She studied painting and photography, which she went on to teach at the University. As she turned forty writing became her foremost passion and she has written three screenplays, which have made into movies. Her latest ‘Knocked Out’ won the first prize for screenplay for children in the 31st International Film Festival.
THREE ACTS OF A WOMAN’S LIFE follows a girl through school and her first friendship, which will last the rest of her life, through to the final act where she losses everything to unjust laws and a prejudiced society
To find out a little more about her work, we asked Mitra the following questions…
What inspires your work?
The most important inspiration for my stories is my own life. After that, it is the life of people around me; my family and my friends.
Tell us a bit about your writing process…
It depends. Sometimes there is a story growing in my mind and I feel the need to write it down from the beginning to the end all at once… but sometimes a news story (like the third act of the three acts) concerns me and I make a story about it. I usually write the first draft and leave it for a while, then read it again as a reader and not a writer to revise it. Most of the time, I revise my stories more than four times.