Come See Luke Pearson, Hilda, and a giant Woff at New York ComicCon

New York ComicCon is coming soon, and we’re so excited to be there for the new Hilda Netflix Show (which premiered Friday, September 21st)! NYCC runs October 4-7 at Javits Center: 655 W 34th St, New York, NY 10001. We have quite a bit in store for Luke Pearson, so get your schedule marked for the show itself, or for some of our great offsite events! We’ll be at ComicCon booth #125 all weekend along with a six foot stuffed Woff. Here are the details on Luke Pearson’s schedule for the weekend!


Luke Pearson’s New York ComicCon Schedule:

-Friday, October 5th

Signing at booth #125



-Friday, October 5th:

Graphic Novel Superstars at Books of Wonder

18 West 18th Street, New York, NY 10011



-Saturday, October 6th

Storytime at Books Are Magic

225 Smith Street, Brooklyn, NY 11231



-Sunday, October 7th

From Page To Screen Panel @ ComicCon


Javits Center, Room 1A21


-Sunday, October 7th

Signing at booth #125


We’ll have the Hilda Graphic Novel series for sale, along with Hilda and the Hidden People, and we’re also giving away a limited supply of Hilda dolls with purchase of five of the graphic novels, so don’t miss out.