As Zine by Nobrow at the V&A


When asked whether we’d like to run a workshop at the Victoria and Albert Museum as part of London Design Festival there was little else we could do but rush to the kettle for the most sedative cups of tea we had on hand (camomile, if you’re interested). The answer of course was a unanimous roar of YES (slurp of tea) PLEASE (slurp again)! We were thrilled at the opportunity and quickly put our heads together to come up with a workshop befitting of the invitation, and brief – design in books and illustration. For those of you that don’t know, London Design Festival started up in 2003 and in its eleven years in action has grown to become one of the most important annual design festivals in the world. It is made up of over 300 events and exhibitions, involving every aspect of design. It is a thrilling time of year to be in London. So, this Saturday (13th September) come join Nobrow designer Emily Sear in creating your very own zine. Inspired by the annual Nobrow magazine, we’ll be asking you to unleash your imagination through illustration. With the brief in hand you will be asked to consider elements of design with colour (restricted), content (structured) and layout. See you there.

” As Zine by Nobrow” – Saturday 13 September, 4.00-5.30 pm at the Art Studio, Sackler Centre, Victoria and Albert Museum